Expérience de réalité augmentée sur smartphone

The Home as an unexpected extension of retail space

Mathieu Clairet . 10 months

E-commerce has seen a meteoric rise over the past few years, with consumers increasingly choosing virtual carts over in-store queues.

In the last five years alone, online trade has grown by 10%, a trend that accelerated during the recent global pandemic, forcing businesses to rethink their sales methods.

With in-store interactions on hold, companies had to modernize their digital platforms, addressing the challenge of attracting a clientele eager for digital convenience and confined to shopping from home.

A new trend emerged quickly: the home as an extension of the retail space.

Augmented Reality (AR) transforms your clients’ homes into spaces of interaction and experience with your products. While e-commerce has transformed the commercial landscape, AR has the potential to revolutionize it. But how to capitalize on this evolution?

Offer an immersive experience

AR goes beyond superimposing virtual elements on reality. It allows customers to interact with products, visualize them from every angle, and project themselves using them within their personal space. For instance, envisioning their next coffee table in their living room while watching a Champions League match with a beer in hand. Quite good.

One of the main barriers to online shopping is uncertainty. How will this couch fit in my living room? Does this dress look good on me? Is this dresser too big for my bedroom? AR provides concrete answers to these questions, thus reducing hesitations and returns, allowing up to 40% fewer orders to be returned.

When the home becomes more than just a place to live

While physical stores offer a dedicated space for product discovery, why not turn every home into a potential showroom?

By allowing your clients to test and visualize your products in their environment, you involve them more, thereby increasing their commitment and satisfaction. With augmented reality, the time they spend with one of your products increases by more than 70%, far surpassing traditional sales techniques.

Comfort, speed, and security have become essential criteria for the modern consumer. Integrating AR into your strategy directly meets these needs. Today, Gen Z (and others) are less and less interested in in-store experiences; they want to be able to purchase their products directly on their smartphone, in a few clicks.

Anticipate to endure

By offering innovative experiences, you make an impression on your customers, encouraging them to return to you rather than turning to the competition.

Each AR interaction is a source of information. Who are your customers? Which products are they most interested in? How do they navigate? These data, if well leveraged, can become a formidable growth lever. This new approach allows for an increase in conversion rates by +25%, or even more.

However, do not fear. AR is not there to replace your physical sales points. It’s about combining the best of both worlds. By combining touch and advice in-store with immersive digital experience, you offer a complete and distinctive shopping experience.

Integrating the home as an experience space through AR is not just a trend, but the future. And VR and other Spatial Computing should quickly join the dance, making option changes even easier.

We are more than convinced that this synergy between the physical and the digital is the key to success for tomorrow. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your project and be guided through this significant transformation! 🤓